Momci iz kraja - Boys from the end
Taman posla - Dark of the job
Mesna Zajednica - Meat community
Stavili su mu lisice - They put him foxes
Opasulji se - Bean yourself
Raskupusana Knjiga - Cabbaged book
Puno sam se sekirao - I axed myself very much
Kama sutra - Big knife tomorrow
Računaj na meme - Calculate on me
Radio Mileva - Worked Melissa
Čekanje u redu za hljeb - Waiting all right for bread
Ko umije njemu dvije - Who washes, him two
Ne lezi vraže - Don't lay devil
Hej žica, žica, žica, drma mi se kabanica - Hey, wire, wire, wire, my raincoat is shaking
Šta ima - What has
Dva loša ubiše Miloša - Two bad Michel dead
Kom obojci, kom opanci - To whom feet wrappers, to whom serbian peasant shoes
Drage volje - Of dear will
Ko te šljivi - Who plums you
Ko te šiša - Who cuts your hair
Zašto da ne - Why yes not
Kako da ne - How yes not
Taman posla - Dark of the job
Mesna Zajednica - Meat community
Stavili su mu lisice - They put him foxes
Opasulji se - Bean yourself
Raskupusana Knjiga - Cabbaged book
Puno sam se sekirao - I axed myself very much
Kama sutra - Big knife tomorrow
Računaj na meme - Calculate on me
Radio Mileva - Worked Melissa
Čekanje u redu za hljeb - Waiting all right for bread
Ko umije njemu dvije - Who washes, him two
Ne lezi vraže - Don't lay devil
Hej žica, žica, žica, drma mi se kabanica - Hey, wire, wire, wire, my raincoat is shaking
Šta ima - What has
Dva loša ubiše Miloša - Two bad Michel dead
Kom obojci, kom opanci - To whom feet wrappers, to whom serbian peasant shoes
Drage volje - Of dear will
Ko te šljivi - Who plums you
Ko te šiša - Who cuts your hair
Zašto da ne - Why yes not
Kako da ne - How yes not
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